has developed an integration using the OSF API that allows users to sync their protocols to OSF projects. To initiate the integration, navigate to and complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to a protocol or create a new protocol from your dashboard.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Export > PDF > Copy to OSF. dashboard showing dropdown menu

  3. Indicate whether "Only materials" or "Only commands" should be exported. Then confirm that the correct file is selected.
  4. confirmation screen
  5. An OSF authentication window will appear. Selecting "Allow" will populate a list of your OSF projects.
  6. OSF authentication window

    OSF authentication window showing Allow button

  7. Select the project you want your protocol to be exported to, and then click "Synchronize."
  8. OSF synchronization screen

    Confirmation screen after synchronization with OSF

  9. Navigate to or refresh your chosen OSF project page where your protocol will be visible in Files tab.

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