OSF Meetings, Institutions, and Collections FAQ’s


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OSF Collections FAQs

What license will I need?

Various Collections may have different licensing requirements, during the request to add you will have the ability to update your license to a license approved/required by the Collection, but you can update your license at any time. More information on Licensing.

What if I have private components within my project?

Anything within your project/component that is private at the time you add to the Collection will not be included within the Collection. If at a future time you decide to make these components public, they will be automatically updated within the Collection.

How will I know the status of my project or component’s addition to the Collection?

On the project/component page there will be a drop-down section that will show the Collection status, status’ include:

Status Definition Who can view
Pending Awaiting moderator decision. Project/component contributors.
Included Approved and added to collection. Publicly viewable.
Rejected Not approved. Project/component contributors.
Removed Removed from a collection by moderator or admin contributor. Project/component contributors.

On the project/component page there will be a drop-down section that will show the Collection status, status’ include:

  • Pending: after requesting to be added to a Collection, this will be the status until a collection moderator has made a decision to approve or not approve the addition to the collection.
  • Included in: indicating a collection moderator has accepted the request to add the project/component. NOTE: this is the only publicly viewable status.
  • Rejected from: indicating a collection moderator has not accepted the request to add the project/component. NOTE: requires a justification from collection moderator, which is only viewable by project/component admin contributors.
  • Removed from: indicating either A) the collection has removed the project/component and will provide a justification OR B) an admin on the project/component has chosen to remove the project/component from the collection (no justification required).  NOTE: moderator removal from a collection will NOT result in removal from the OSF, moderator removal requires a justification from collection moderator, which is only viewable by project/component admin contributors.
  • Justifications from moderators are accessed by the dropdown. NOTE: justifications are only viewable by admins on the project.

How do I remove my project/component from a Collection?

If at any point you decide you no longer wish to be associated with a specific Collection, you can “Remove” your project/component from the Collection, and the Collection Moderator(s) will be informed that your project/component has been removed. 

Can I still make changes to my project or component once it is in a Collection?

Yes, your project/component is a sandbox that is in a constant state of change with additions and updates possible by Contributors on your project/component. This ability to update your project or component will remain after association with a Collection.

Will changes to a project or component require moderation?

No, once a project/component has been associated with a Collection, any updates will not require further moderation.

Can I change the settings on my project or component to private once it has been added to a Collection?

Yes, if for some reason you wish to make your project/component private, you can still do this after association with a Collection. NOTE that making your project/component “Private” will automatically REMOVE the project/component from the Collection. In order to be associated with the Collection again, you will need to go through the Addition process again.

OSF Institutions FAQs

How do I affiliate my research with my institution?

There are two steps to affiliating your research with your institution on OSF if they are a member (check this list to find out). First, sign in through your institution to affiliate your account with the institution. Next, affiliate your project or registration with the institution.

I don't see my institution listed on the OSF Institutions page?

OSF has worked with a number of universities and research institutions to create login and landing pages and other services. Current affiliated institutions are listed here. If your institution does not appear on this list, we have not yet worked with them. More information, which you may share with your institution's administrators, about joining the program is found at in this OSFI project.

How do I sign in to OSF if my institution is no longer a member?

If your institution no longer supports OSF affiliation, you may still gain access to your account. Follow these instructions to recover your institutional account.

How do I find other researchers at my institution?

Each OSF-affiliated institution has a landing page that aggregates all public OSF Projects and Registrations. Find your institution on this list and follow the link to see projects at your institution with filters for project contributors.

Where can I find out more about joining OSF as an Institution?

If you work for an institution that maybe interested in OSF affiliation, please find more information in this OSF Project. If you would like us to reach out to discuss membership, please fill out this form or contact us with other questions.

All of my projects are affiliated with my institution. Are these projects affected by storage caps?

Institutional affiliation for a project (enabled through single sign-on of OSF Institutions members) is a primary factor that will enable storage exceptions for users, though we do want to learn more about their data needs as well. 

OSF Meetings FAQs 

How can I set up a meeting page for a conference?

Please refer to our help guide here for step-by-step instructions.

Additional FAQ’s 

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