Viewing previous versions of a preprint


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Each version of a preprint, once approved by moderation, will be equipped with a DOI. This DOI can be used to connect your preprint to other works as part of your research project. For information on connecting your work see our connecting your work help guide.

Each version of a preprint is now accessible on the preprint detail page. To navigate to a previous version of a preprint, find “Preprint DOI” located in the right-hand column on a preprint page.

You can then select from the drop-down menu which version you would like to display. And then click the “ View Version” link. Withdrawn Versions will have a tombstone page that will also have a dropdown for viewing but will not show the withdrawn files, only the metadata. 

You can download an active version of a preprint by selecting that version of the preprint and clicking the blue download button. The selected version will be downloaded onto your computer for you to read.

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