Managing Bookmarks and Collections (OSF Projects)

Bookmarks and Collections help you organize your own OSF projects or public projects you're interested in by making them easily accessible from the left side panel of the Project Organizer. View your Collections on the My Projects page.

Dragging and dropping projects or components into collections will not change the structure of the original projects themselves; they simply create a new way for you to access your work.


By default, all users have the following Collections on their My Projects page:   All my projectsAll my registrationsAll my preprints, and and Bookmarks. These collections cannot be deleted or renamed.

All my projectscontains all of your projects and their components.

All my registrations contains all of your registrations.

Bookmarks contains public projects you've bookmarked from their Project Overview pages. More on this below.

All my projects, All my registrations, and Bookmarks Collections

Creating, renaming, and deleting Collections

To create a new Collection, click the sign to the right of "Collections"

Next, give the Collection a name and click Add.

Creating, renaming, and deleting Collections

Rename and Delete Collections

To rename or delete a Collection, click the 3 dots to the right of its name.

Then click Rename or Delete from the pop-up menu. Deleting a collection will not delete the projects it contains.

Adding and removing projects to Bookmarks and Collections from My Projects

To add a project to a Collection from My Projects, drag it into the appropriate Collection on the left side of the screen.

Dragging and dropping projects or components into collections will not change the structure of the original projects themselves; they simply create a new way for you to access your projects and components.

Removing projects from Bookmarks and Collections from My Projects

To remove a project from a Collection, first select the Collection from the left side of the screen.

Next, select the project by clicking on its name in the center pane.

Finally, click the Remove from collection button on the right side of the screen.

Removing projects from Bookmarks and Collections from My Projects

Adding and removing Bookmarked projects via the Project Overview pages

You can Bookmark a project (your own project or a public project) by clicking the Add to Bookmarks icon on the Project Overview page.

To remove a project from Bookmarks, click the icon again.

Adding and removing Bookmarked projects via the Project Overview pages

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