Creating a Project (OSF Projects)
OSF projects are the most flexible workspaces that OSF supports. A project can be an experiment, a lab group, a paper—anything that has contributing members and files or explanatory texts/images. Please start with our Create a Project help guide.
You can create a new project using another project's structure as a template. When you use a project as a template, the project along with any components and their titles will be copied to the new project. Only the structure will be duplicated and not the content. For more information please see our help guide: Creating a Project From a template
Looking for project examples? Here are a growing list of examples of how to structure your project:
- Example 1:
Components are sub-projects, or “child” projects. Components help organize your research and create a hierarchy within your parent project. A component's privacy settings, contributors, tags, wikis, add-ons, and files are separate from the parent project. If you choose, components can inherit the contributors and tags of a parent project for more information see our help guide: Create a Component
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