Share on Social Media

You can share public projects, files, and registrations on social media to enhance discoverability. Sharing is not available for private content on the OSF.

Share a public project or component

Open the project that you want to share.

Then click the ellipsis button in the top right.

Click Share from the drop-down menu, then select a social media service.

A window will appear from which you can share the project on the social media site.

Share a public file

Go to a project or component, and then click the Files tab.

A list of files will appear. Next, click on a file to open it.

The "File Details" page will appear. click the three dots, and then click the share from the drop-down menu

Select if you want to share by email or Twitter

After selecting an option, a new tab will appear taking you to the sharing destination with a prewritten post for you to edit.


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