Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)
In this article:
Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)
Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) are persistent, externally maintained links that provide permanent availability to information about people, places, and things. These include researchers, research institutions, funders, data, registrations, publications, and more. Unlike a regular URL, PIDs are maintained by external archiving registries, responsible for keeping PIDS permanent and persistent. In other words, the links will always work and direct readers to the appropriate content. Lack of persistence is especially evident in older publications containing urls that no longer link to the intended material (ie. link rot). PIDs also enable interoperability across scholarly communication systems that research communities rely on, which is key to facilitating and sharing data and metadata that is FAIR.
Automatically Sync Your OSF content with your ORCID record
Register for an ORCID iD
- It’s free and easy!
- Start by registering on ORCID here:
- After registering, verify and sign into your ORCID record (
Setup automatic ORCID record updates from Datacite
- Syncing your ORCID record and Datacite will allow Datacite to add any works in their registry that contain your ORCID iD
- Scroll to the “Works” section of your ORCID record
- Click +Add and select Search & Link
- Scroll down and click on DataCite
- If an authorization screen pops up, click Authorize access. If this screen does not pop up, that means you have already authorized DataCite to add works to your ORCID record.
- Once you have authorized access, you will be taken to a landing page that shows your connected status, but no further action is needed. From now on, any time your ORCID iD is included in DataCite DOI metadata, that DOI will be automatically added to the “Works” section of your ORCID record.
For more information on creating an ORCID account and Syncing your Datacite profile please see ORCID support center
Connect our ORCID records to OSF
- Go to
- Choose Sign in with ORCID
- Sign into ORCID with the credentials you set up on account registration
- Confirm the email address associated with your OSF account
- Verify the connection via email notification
Start using PIDs and leveraging the enabled relationships on OSF
- If offered or required, connect your ORCID iD to the platforms you use
- Mint or know how to find the DOIs for the content you share publicly
- Use PIDs to create relationships between the people, places, and things that you work with!