Update a New Version of a Preprint

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Uploading a new version of the preprint file will create a new timestamped version of your preprint using the same URL as the original. The new preprint version will have its own distinct Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and each version will be accessible through the interface. 

Are you able to edit a preprint based on your permissions? 

Depending on your permission level as a preprint contributor, your access to edit the preprint will vary.  The “Edit preprint button” will be accessible to users with Admin and Write access on a preprint. Read this for more instructions on editing your preprint metadata 





Access Edit Preprint Button  Yes Yes No
Edit Title and Abstract  Yes Yes No
Change Contributors  Yes No No
Edit other Metadata Yes Yes No
Edit Author assertions Yes No No
Upload a New Version Yes No No
Withdraw  Yes No No

Are you able to edit a preprint based on your selected moderation workflow?

Depending on your preprint service, you will either go through pre- or post moderation, the main difference is when a moderation team will evaluate your work. 

Pre-moderation workflow

Pre-moderated workflows are submitted to moderators for approval prior to becoming public. Therefore each version of a Preprint must be accepted before an admin can “Upload a New Version”.

If a user submits a preprint and that version is rejected, the user will be able to update the preprint with a new file for resubmission to moderation.  Only accepting versions of the preprint will become available, all rejected versions of a preprint will not be available for public view.

Post-moderation workflow

Post-moderated preprints become available immediately upon submission, the preprints are then moderated later and withdrawn if rejected. Therefore an admin on a preprint can “Upload New Version” of a preprint immediately after submission, and it will remain in the post-moderation queue and will remain public until moderation.

Uploading a new version of your preprint: 

1. Click on the “Create New Version” button 

Note: this button will only appear on the most recent version of post-moderated preprints, or pre-moderated preprints that have been accepted. 

Select if you want to “Upload from your Computer”, or “Selecting from an existing OSF project” 

(#1) Upload from a computer:

Click the “Upload from your computer” button. You will then have the option to drag and drop a file directly from your computer or you can click to browse for files.

Drag and drop: 

Browse from files from the Desktop:

(#2) Select from an existing project 

Start by clicking the “Select from an existing project” button and click the dropdown menu to select your project. Select the file you want to use as your preprint manuscript. Finalize the upload by clicking the Blue “Next” button, and then click “Submit” 

Digital object Identifiers (DOI) on new versions of the preprint.  

Each version of a preprint, once approved by moderation, will be equipped with a DOI. This DOI can be used to connect your preprint to other works as part of your research project. For information on connecting your work see our connecting your work help guide

Viewing a previous version of a preprint. 

Each version of a preprint is now accessible on the preprint detail page. To navigate to a previous version of a preprint, find “Preprint DOI” located in the right-hand column on a preprint page.

You can then select from the drop-down menu which version you would like to display. And then click the “ View Version” link. Withdrawn Versions will have a tombstone page that will also have a dropdown for viewing but will not show the withdrawn files, only the metadata. You can download an active version of a preprint by selecting that version of the preprint and clicking the blue download button

Updating a withdrawn Preprint: 

A new version of a preprint can now be uploaded to a previously withdrawn preprint. This allows you to connect an updated manuscript to the original metadata for a preprint. The process for uploading to a withdrawn preprint is the same as an active preprint. 

For information on Withdrawing your preprint see: https://help.osf.io/article/186-withdrawing-a-preprint#withdrawing-a-pending-preprint-from-a-pre-moderation-service 

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