Preprint Moderation

OSF Preprints

OSF preprints is an open archive that provides a free, open access platform for scholars to upload working papers, preprints, and published papers, with the option to link data and code. COS using OSF preprints is dedicated to opening up scholarly publication, to reach more people more effectively, to improve research, and build the future of scholarly communication. OSF preprints is a Pre Moderation preprint service. Authors will be given notice of reasoning behind any preprints that are not accepted. 

Pre-moderated preprints are not made public immediately. They are only indexed and assigned a digital object identifier (DOI) once they are accepted by a moderator and published. Please allow 4-5 business days for your content to be reviewed (excluding US holidays). If you have questions or concerns about preprint moderation, please contact OSF Support at

OSF preprint policies:

  • Contributors on the articles, papers, and other content submitted to OSF Preprints should be clearly labeled as such in the preprint metadata as well as included in the preprint document, along with corresponding author contact information.
  • Content should be accurately described by preprint title.
  • Content should be original content created by the user, or posted with explicit permission and appropriate attribution of the content creator.
  • Coursework should not be submitted to OSF preprints, rather have your instructor create a project and then upload the file.
  • Organizations should not use OSF user accounts to act as publication aggregates, clearinghouses, or DOI minting services. OSF Preprints offers to host provider™s content through an OSF Preprints membership.
  • Original ideas or claims generated by large language model (LLM) tools or other artificial intelligence (AI) tools are not appropriate for OSF Preprints. If AI or LLM software such as ChatGPT has been used to help generate any part of the work it must be clearly acknowledged; it must be noted in the Materials and Methods section (or Acknowledgments, if no Materials and Methods section is available) on submission. - This policy was updated with guidance from PNAS policies- [
  • Content is scholarly work. This includes original research, books, book chapters, reviews, essays, critiques, presentations or posters and research commentaries. Work on OSF preprints is either research or engages with research in any field.

OSF preprint best practices:

  • Choose a title for your preprint that clearly and effectively describes the content of your work.
  • Make sure ALL authors are listed on the preprint and included in the metadata
  • Carefully consider the scope of your work that each preprint captures.  For example, one preprint may effectively describe a detailed study, rather than many preprints representing many parts of the same experiment.
  • Include all author information including corresponding author contact in the document.
  • General Preprint FAQs.

Some examples of appropriate use of OSF Preprints:

Some examples in English:

Some examples in other languages:

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