Connect Box to a Project
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You can connect one Box folder or an entire Box account to your OSF project or component. Different Box folders can be linked to different components within the same project. You can add files to your Box folder and those files will be accessible via OSF. Likewise, files added to the Box folder in your OSF account will update your Box account with that file.
The Box add-on allows you to connect external content to OSF. This connection does not store or back up this content on OSF. To back up your content to OSF Storage, consider Registering Your Project.
Enable Box in your project
First, open your project, then click the Add-ons tab in the navigation bar.
You will be taken to the "Add-ons" page for the project. Where you will select if you are looking for an “additional storage” add-on or a “citation manager” tool. In this case, you will select “additional storage” and then click “Connect” under Box
The Box terms will appear. Read the terms, then click the Confirm button.
Setting up a new Box Account
Because other contributors can connect their add-on accounts to a project you can distinguish your account with a different name. For example, naming your account “Your NAME_ADD-ON” Allows you to distinguish accounts from your collaborators. When you are finished naming click “Authorize”
Authorization of Access to Add-on
After clicking “authorize”, a new window tab will appear to allow you to sign in on the selected Add-on. Log in with your username and Password used on that add-on site, not your OSF account.
The Add-on will then ask you if you would like to confirm the connection of your Add-on account to your OSF Account. In this case, Click “Connect account”
You will then be returned to your OSF project, Where you can select the Add-on account you would like to connect to your OSF project. Click the small circle next to the account name, and then click “save”
You have now connected your Add-on library to your OSF project and will be returned to the Add-on selection page. Your folder will be connected to your project on the project overview page.
Box will be connected to your project.