Withdrawing a Preprint

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Because preprints are part of the scholarly record, they cannot be deleted. However, preprints can be withdrawn, removing the content but leaving behind basic metadata like title, authors, and the reason for withdrawal, if the author chooses to provide it. All Withdrawal requests for moderated services are approved at the discretion of the moderation team.

When can you withdraw or remove a preprint? 

Depending on what moderated service you are submitting your preprint under you May or May not be able to Withdraw your preprint until it is accepted. 

Withdrawing a “Pending” Preprint  Withdraw an “Accepted” preprint 
Pre moderated preprints  Can be withdrawn until accepted  Can be withdrawn with approval from Moderators
Post Moderated Preprints  Can be withdrawn with approval from Moderators Can be withdrawn with approval from Moderators

Note: Only Administrators on a preprint can submit a withdrawal request

Note: For Pre-moderation preprints since a DOI is not issued until accpeted, withdrawals will NOT result in a tombstone page

Note: For Post-Moderation preprints since a DOI is issued immediately upon submission, a withdrawal will result in a tombstone page with basic metadata like title, authors, and the reason for withdrawal

How to request a Withdraw of a "approved" Preprint

Regardless of Pre or post-moderation, you can submit a request that a specific version of a preprint be withdrawn to the moderation team. Start by clicking the red "withdraw" button found under the title of the preprint. A pop-up window will appear. This pop-up window will provide warning information about the withdrawal procedure and prompt you for a reason for withdrawal.

Note: Please provide significant detail as to why you are withdrawing the preprint as the withdrawal reason will be locked as part of the metadata of this preprint.

Once you click withdraw you will be taken to a back to your preprint URL and your request will be reviewed by the moderation team.

How to request a removal of a "Pending" Preprint

Regardless of Pre or post-moderation, you can remove a preprint prior to it being accepted by moderators by going through the withdrawal workflow. Start by clicking the red "withdraw" button found under the title of the preprint. A pop-up window will appear. This pop-up window will provide warning information about the withdrawal procedure and prompt you for a reason for withdrawal.

Once you click withdraw you will be taken to a "page not found" URL which means your preprint has been removed.

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This Article IsLicensed Under CC0 For Maximum Reuse. 

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