Manage Your My Projects Page (OSF Projects)

You can quickly access your OSF projects and components, registration, and preprints on the "My Projects" page. You can organize projects into Collections for easier access to your projects or other public projects.

Go to the "My Projects" page

Sign in to OSF, then click My Projects in the navigation bar.

Go to My Projects

Your "My Projects" page will open, showing a list of all your projects.

List of all your projects

By default, all users have the following collections on their "My Projects" page that cannot be deleted or renamed:

  • All my projects contains all of your projects and their components.
  • All my registrations contains all of your registrations.
  • Bookmarks contains public projects that you have bookmarked from their "Project Overview" pages.

Preview your projects

The "Information" Tab Shows Details Such As Public/Private Settings, Date Last Modified, Project Description, And Tags. The "Activity" Tab Shows The Most Recent Project Logs on the project.

Click a project or component name to go to the "Project Overview" or "Component Overview" page.

Preview your project steps

A preview of your project or component will open in the right pane.

The "Information" tab shows details such as public/private settings, date last modified, project description, and tags. The "Activity" tab shows the most recent Project Logs on the project.

Click a project or component name to go to the "Project Overview" or "Component Overview" page.

Preview Your Projects

Sort your projects

To sort by project and component "title," click the up or down arrows to the right of "Name."

To sort by "date last modified," click the up or down arrows to the right of "Modified."

Click a project or component name to go to the "Project Overview" or "Component Overview" page.

Sort Your Projects

Filter your projects

Type project or component names, contributors, or tags into the textbox in the top right of the page to limit the results displayed.  

Filter Your Projects

Filter by contributor or tag

On the left side of the screen, click a contributor's name to display only projects you and that contributor share.

You can also click a tag to display only your projects with that tag.

Click a project or component name to go to the "Project Overview" or "Component Overview" page.

Filter By Contributor or Tag

To remove these filters, either click the next to the contributor or tag in the toolbar or click the All my projects Collection.

Remove Filters

Filter by collection

Click All my projectsAll my registrations, or All my preprints to see your projects and components within these collections.

Note that if you have a private preprint, your preprint will not be displayed under "All my preprints."

Click a project or component name to go to the "Project Overview" or "Component Overview" page.

Filter Projects by Collection

Create collections

To create a new Collection, click the sign to the right of "Collections"

Create a New Collection

The "Add new collection" modal will appear. Give your collection a name, then click the Add button.

Add New Collection

Manage collections

To add a project to a collection from the "My Projects" page, drag a project from the middle pane into a collection in the left pane.

Please note that dragging and dropping projects or components into collections will not change the structure of the original projects themselves; the collections create a new way for you to access your projects and components.

To rename or delete a collection, click the 3 dots to the right of its name. A popover will open from which you can click either Rename or Delete.

Deleting a collection will not delete the projects within it.

Rename or Delete a Collection

To remove a project from a collection, first click on a collection from the left pane.

Next, click a project in the middle pane, then click the Remove from collection button in the right pane.

Remove from Collection

Bookmark projects

You can bookmark projects that are your own or others' public projects.

Go to the project or component that you want to bookmark. Click the ellipsis button in the top right, then click Bookmark from the drop-down menu.

Bookmark projects

To remove a project from your Bookmarks, click the ellipsis button again, then click Remove from bookmarks from the drop-down menu.

Remove a project from your bookmarks

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