Add Contributors to Projects and Components
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In this article, you will learn how to add contributors to projects and components.
Add contributors to a project
Open your project, then click the Contributors tab in the navigation bar.
The "Contributors" page will appear. This page lists the contributors on your project or component and their respective permissions and bibliographic statuses.
Click the green +Add button at the top of the page.
The "Add Contributors" modal will appear.
Type your contributor's name into the search box and then click Search. You can search by name only. Searching by email address is not supported.
Add an unregistered contributor
An unregistered contributor is a contributor who you have added to your project and who does not have an OSF account. Unregistered contributors will be notified via email that they have been added and will be given the chance to claim their account.
Type the name of your contributor into the search field, then click the add as an unregistered contributor link. Enter the contributor's name and email address into the respective fields.
Then click the green Add button. The unregistered contributor will be moved to the "Adding" column of the modal.
Choose their bibliographic status and permissions. Then click the green Add button.
The unregistered contributor will be notified by email that they have been added to your project. There will be a link in the email that they can use to claim their OSF account.
Add a registered contributor
Enter the name of your contributor into the search field, then click the green + button to the left of their name
The contributor will appear below the "Adding" column of the modal.
Choose their bibliographic status and permissions. Then click the green Add button.
Add contributors to components
If your project has components, you will see a blue Next button in the "Add Contributors" modal.
Click Next to continue.
The "Select Components" modal will appear.
Select the components to which you want to add the contributor. You must be an administrator on the component in order to add the contributor to it.
Then click the green Add button
The contributor will be added to your project and component(s).