New OSF Search Features for Rapid Research Findability and Sharing

With increasing requirements for open sharing of research outputs from funders, governments, and research communities comes the need to ensure searching and indexing of research can meet these demands.

Thanks to extensive OSF user and community feedback, there is a new discovery solution on OSF with a suite of brand new search features, making it easier and faster to find OSF content. These new features provide unique insights for institutional administrators, funder program officers, and librarians, including more ways to find relevant funded research and interdisciplinary or inter-institutional collaborations. Most critically the new discovery features, in addition to the robust metadata enabled on OSF, enables researchers and research institutions to meet funder and publisher data sharing commitments.

Here is just one example. OSF users can search for research on hearing loss…

OSF Search Page

isolate only OSF Projects…

OSF Search Page

and find studies that are specifically funded by National Institutes of Health…

OSF Search Page

Over the next few weeks, there will be several events focused on the key aspects of research discovery on the OSF. There will be conversations for three different audiences: researchersresearch funders, and research institution administrators and support. All are welcome to join the discussion. Also over the next month, we will bring the enhanced search features to the OSF RegistriesOSF Preprints, and OSF Institutions member discovery pages as well. This is an exciting new way to explore the content presented by some of your favorite organizations and communities. For administrators of these organizations, they can more clearly track the data sharing commitments that members of their community must adhere to as well as signal the depth and breadth of open practices that are ongoing among their stakeholders. We have live conversations about each of our member interfaces once per month, and you can join us by registering here.

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