Starting Pathway on the OSF
First time using the OSF? Let's start at the beginning!
Making An Account
Video Description: Start by making their own personal OSF account. User accounts provide access to all of your public work on the OSF. For more information on managing your account, see our Account Help Section
Starting A Project
Video Description: All setup? Let's create a project. Projects are a great place for storing data, collaborating, and refining your research ideas! For more information on projects, see our Projects Help Section
Starting A Registration or Preregistration
Video Description: Registrations are a way for you to transparently and honestly share your research study with others. Registrations are a formal story of a research study, telling others the original plan, any updates that were needed, and the final results. For more information on projects see our Registration Help Section
Data Storage On Projects
Section Description: After you have started your study, you need a place to share and analyze your data. Projects are an excellent place to work with collaborators on your research data. Need additional storage for your projects? Check out our OSF Storage Add-Ons for flexible storage options.
Preprint Submissions
Video Description: Ready to publish? Submit your manuscript on OSF Preprints. Submitted preprints are indexed on Google Scholar and can help you spread the word about your findings, while also connecting them with your OSF projects and registrations. For more information, see our Preprint Help Section Got the hang of it? Go back to our Getting Started guide home page and see how educators and researchers like you are using the OSF!
Looking for Live or recorded trainings? see our OSF training page
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