Stay Connected with COS: Open Engagement Opportunities

Thank you for your contributions to advancing open science! Whether you’ve been part of our COS Ambassador Program or are just discovering ways to engage with COS, we’re excited to share new opportunities to connect, contribute, and stay informed.

As part of our ongoing efforts to refine community engagement, the COS Ambassador Program will officially sunset on February 19th, 2025. This transition allows us to focus on more flexible and impactful ways for you to participate in COS initiatives. Below, you’ll find details about the new engagement paths and resources available moving forward.

Some of the amazing work completed by our COS ambassadors can be found here:

  • COS Ambassadors – General information about the program, including its purpose, goals, and how ambassadors contributed to advancing open scholarship.
  • Slide Decks for Presentations – Ready-to-use slide decks created for ambassadors to present on topics related to COS and open science.
  • One Pagers – Concise informational documents summarizing key open science topics, COS initiatives, or best practices.
  • Presentations Given by COS – A collection of presentations delivered by COS staff at conferences, webinars, and workshops.
  • Presentations Given by Ambassadors – Talks and materials presented by COS Ambassadors to promote open science in their communities.
  • OSF Case Studies – Examples showcasing how researchers and institutions have successfully used OSF to enhance transparency and collaboration.
  • Preregistration Outreach Packet – Resources designed to support outreach efforts encouraging researchers to adopt preregistration in their work.

Ways to Engage

1. Quarterly COS Newsletter

Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter to stay up-to-date on open science topics, OSF updates, and COS initiatives. This optional newsletter includes updates, opportunities to join events or working groups, and insights from across the open scholarship community.

2. OSF Technology Advocates

Become an OSF Technology Advocate to participate in beta testing, surveys, and providing feedback on new OSF features and related projects.

What’s Next?

This transition is designed to offer tailored opportunities for anyone interested in supporting open science, whether you’re a current ambassador or new to COS. You can choose the engagement path(s) that align best with your interests and availability.

Please also feel free to stop by some of our live webinars or engage with other researchers in our OSF community at our live events:

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Thank you for being part of the COS community. We look forward to continuing our collaboration in new and meaningful ways.


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