Preserve and Share Data with the OSF Data Archive

Like code and other materials, you can create an archived copy of your data using the OSF. There are several steps to effectively archive and share your data on the OSF.

  1. Archive your data using an OSF Registration
    1. You can make a permanent, archived copy of your data using an OSF Registration.
    2. You can choose which files to upload and archive, as well as provide details about your data and activities.
    3. Include all of your collaborators as contributors; they don't need to have an OSF account to be acknowledged on your data.
    4. All OSF Registrations get a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for easy and responsible sharing, and you can associate enhanced metadata like funders and DOIs of your related materials like papers and data. You can label your Registration with the appropriate resource type for increased discoverability, like "software", "workflow", or "interactive resource".
    5. Use this guide to make an archived version of your OSF Project using the Open-Ended Registration template.

  2. Share your data and other work
    1. All public objects on OSF are indexed across the web, and more comprehensive metadata increase the discoverability, use, and citation.
    2. Use this guide to learn more about the persistent identifiers (PIDs) available on OSF for the most effective research describing and sharing.

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