Welcome to Registrations & Preregistrations!

Video Description: Understand the significance of registrations and preregistrations in promoting transparency and reproducibility in research. Get step-by-step guidance on how to register your studies and preregister your hypotheses on OSF. Find full-length live OSF 101 training here

What are registrations or preregistration?

Registrations are a formal, transparent “story” of your study. This story describes what your research planned to do, any updates that needed to be made, and the results.

Below are help guides that can help you in any of your registration goals. 

  • Registrations 101: ready to get started on your Registration or preregistrion? learn more about the process of registrations at a beginner level
  • Create Registrations: Time to make your registration! This section walks you through how to create, submit, and approve your registration.
  • Manage Registrations: Have a few registrations? Here you will learn how to access and maintain them.
  • Update Registrations: Update the responses on your registration to transparently reflect necessary changes to your study design.
  • Collaborate on Registrations: Work with others on your team when drafting a registration.
  • Share Registrations: Get the word out about your registration! Learn how to effectively share a registration.
  • Registration Files: Registration files are treated differently than the more flexible Project Files. Here you will learn how files can be copied or linked to your registration.
  • Open Practice Badges: Open Practices Badges are given when a researcher associates a resource or file to their registration. Badges are used as a method to normalize and incentivize open science practices.
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