Create a Project (OSF Projects)

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OSF projects are the largest form of categorization that OSF supports. A project can be an experiment, a lab group, or a paper—anything that has contributing members and files or explanatory texts/images.

  1. Create A New Project
  2. Enter A Title
  3. Add An Institutional Affiliation (Optional)
  4. Choose A Storage Location
  5. Enter A Description
  6. Complete Your Project

1. Create a new project

Sign in to OSF, then click the Create new project button on your dashboard.

Your Dashboard

The "Create new project" modal will appear.

3.Enter a Title

Enter a title for your project into the "title" field

3. Add an institutional affiliation (optional)

If you have signed in to OSF through an institutional portal, newly created projects will be affiliated with the institution by default.

The institutions associated with your OSF account will be selected by default. Deselect the institution to create your project without the affiliation.

4. Choose a storage location

Next, click inside the "Storage location" menu, then select a location from the list (your global location will be set by default). You cannot change the storage location for your project after project creation.

  • United States
  • Canada - Montréal
  • Germany - Frankfurt
  • Australia - Sydney

Enter a description or select a project to use as a template(optional)

Click the More button, and a drop-down section will appear.

Enter a summary of your project into the "Description" field.

To structure your new project based on one of your existing projects, select the project from the menu (only the structure will be duplicated and not the content).

Complete your project

Next, click the Create button.

Your project will be created.

Click theGo to new project button in the modal to navigate to your "Project Overview" page.

Go to Your New Project

The "Project Overview" page is the main view of your project. From here you can read your project's description, access the WikiUpload FilesAdd Tags, and more.

This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. 

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