Citation add-ons

Citation software is an excellent way to collect and manage references within a research study. The OSF is compatible with Mendeley and Zotero. Please see our help guide below for more information

Connect Mendeley to a Project 

Connecting a Mendeley folder to your OSF project allows you, your contributors, and others viewing your project to see references you store on Mendeley.

Connect Zotero to a Project

You can manage and collaborate on your Zotero references directly from your OSF projects! This help guide will walk you through how to connect your personal or group libraries to your projects

Reauthorize Zotero

Having trouble seeing your Zotero libraries and folders? This help guide will walk you through how to reauthorize Zotero as an add-on to your OSF account. Please use this help guide if you need to update Mendeley as well

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