Utilize Components for Detailed Project Management

OSF projects provide a flexible environment for researchers and their teams to dynamically collaborate on, organize, contextualize, integrate, store, and share research processes and outputs. Developing your project directory can make your work more accessible, discoverable, and persistent.

Components are essentially sub-projects within your main OSF project. They can have their own collaborators, files, wiki pages, permissions, DOIs, permissions, and even their own child components. This hierarchical structure is incredibly useful for breaking down your project into manageable, organized parts.

Read on to see how to make the most of it.

1. Segment Your Project by Research Phase or Type

Organize your project into components based on phases of your research (e.g., Literature Review, Methodology, Data Collection, Analysis) or by types of materials (e.g., Datasets, Code, Manuscripts). This segmentation makes it easier for team members to find relevant materials and understand the project's progress.

2. Assign Specific Collaborators to Components

If your project involves a team, you can assign collaborators to specific components where their expertise is most needed. This ensures that team members have access to the materials they need without being overwhelmed by irrelevant files, and it helps to safeguard sensitive data. Start with viewing the component you would like to assign a specific contributor and use this help guide

3. Use Components for Pilot Studies or Supplementary Analyses

For projects that include pilot studies or multiple analyses, create separate components for each. This keeps your main project organized and allows for distinct documentation of methodologies and results, which is crucial for transparency and reproducibility.

4. Document Your Process in Component Wikis

Each component can have its own wiki. Use this feature to document methodologies, decisions, and changes specific to that component's focus. This can be invaluable for onboarding new team members and providing context for external collaborators or reviewers.

5. Leverage Differential Access Settings for Targeted Sharing

Components can be made public or private independently of the main project and each other. Use this to your advantage by keeping preliminary data or sensitive information private while sharing more general research outputs or datasets. This selective sharing is crucial for adhering to ethical guidelines and protecting participant confidentiality. For more information see Understanding Contributor Permissions 

6. Nested Components for Complex Projects

For particularly complex projects, you can create nested components (components within components) to mirror the structure of your research even more closely. This can help in managing large datasets or multifaceted studies where different datasets or analyses are interrelated.

By effectively using components, you not only enhance the organization and navigability of your projects but also bolster collaboration and the transparent sharing of your research process. This approach allows you to manage large, multifaceted research projects with ease while ensuring that all aspects of your work are documented and accessible for future reference, replication, or extension by the research community. If you haven't already check out our previous tip on creating a project from example templates and increasing discoverability using persistent identifiers


The Community Pulse provides opportunities to participate in OSF feature testing, requests for new features, and engaging directly with exceptional OSF users and use cases. If you would like to participate in a future Community Pulse, please reach out to Daniel (daniel@cos.io).

This month we want to know how we can help you accomplish your 2024 goals. We value your input as we continuously strive to enhance our platform to better serve the research community. Please use the form below to submit your ideas and suggestions for new features or improvements to existing ones for OSF Project and Components. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of OSF. Thank you for your contribution! In order to continue improving these services, we would very much appreciate your feedback through this short, 3-minute survey.

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OSF is developed and maintained by the Center for Open Science (COS), a nonprofit in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. COS works to transform the culture of scientific research by developing open research technologies, offering training resources, engaging with research communities, conducting meta research, and partnering for change with science funders, institutions, and policymakers.

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