Registration Files

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Registration Files

Each registration is a part of your study’s scientific record and given a clear timestamp. Therefore, registration files are treated differently than the more flexible Project Files 

Add Metadata To A File On OSF- Metadata can be added to individual files on the OSF to help identify, discover, and facilitate reuse

Pre-submission Registration Files

Before submitting a Registration draft 

Currently, files can only be added to a registration  prior to the submission of the original registration. Files cannot be updated or added when Updating A Registration

Files are added to a draft registration by Starting A Registration Based On A Project or by Attaching A File while editing a registration draft. 

Access registration files 

To access your registration files, start on the registration overview page. 

Click on the “Files” tab on the left-hand column of options 

Here you are able to see your full list of your storage locations for this registration  

Click on the storage location you would like to access: 

The OSF page will load these files as you scroll down the files section. 

Click on the title of the file to access it. 

To explore other folders on the registration, either click on the folder’s title at the top of the files page.

Or click the back arrow at the top of the files list here:

You can filter files on the current displayed list. Start by clicking on the folder you would like to filter. 

Type the title of the file in the filter box. 

You can also sort the list of files by using the “sort by” feature found here:

Download a Folder

You can download either all the contents in the folder you are viewing or all the files in a specific folder. 

Download all files in the current folder:Download all the files on a page by clicking“download this folder.” This will download the contents of that page into a zip format. 

Download individual folders: Download the individual folder by clicking on clicking on the vertical ellipses to the right of the file title

And then click “download” 

Share, Download, and Embed registration files 

Each file can be shared, downloaded, or embedded. 

Click the vertical ellipses to the right of the file title. 

To embed the file:Click on the embed button. 

This gives you the option to copy the “Dynamic JS iFrame” or Copy the “Static HTML iFrame” 

To share the file:  Click on the Share button

This gives you the option of sharing this file by Email or by Twitter. 

Viewing Tags on files 

Tags are an excellent way to increase the discoverability of your file to users searching the OSF. You can tag your file with keywords that apply to that file. To view the tags on your file start by clicking on the file, to view the whole file. 

Once you are able to view the file click on the “tag” icon in the right-hand column. This will show all of the tags associated with a file. 

Viewing Previous File revisions 

Files that are originally from an OSF Project may have gone through revisions prior to being submitted in a registration. If this is the case you can view the previous versions of a file using our file revisions tool. To view the file revisions on your file start by clicking on the file, to view the whole file. 

Once you are able to view the file click on the “revision icon” in the right-hand column. This will show the revision history associated with a file. 

Registration Files as part of an update

Currently, while we do allow updating of OSF registration, we do not offer updating for the files attached to a registration. If you need to update a file on a submitted registration you will need to either

  • Submit an open ended registration with the new files, then link it via a DOI
  • Submit it to a repository that allows updated files (ex. Zenodo) and link via a DOI 

For more information on updating a registration please see: Https://Help.Osf.Io/Article/382-Updating-Registrations

Post Submission Registration Files

Registrations are a formal, transparent “story” of your study. This story describes what your research planned to do, any updates that needed to be made. While finalizing your registration plan users can Update their registration to reflect any changes. But the “Story” does not end when your study begins. 

What are Registration Resources?

Any files or documents that are collected as part of an ongoing or completed study associated with a completed registration is a resource. Registration resources are a way to link the data collection and results of a study back to the registration plan. Registration resources occur only after a registration has been submitted/archived.

Registration Files as part of an update

While the system allows responses to be updated on OSF registrations, it can’t update any files that were originally submitted with the registration. If you need to update a file on a submitted registration you will need to either

  • Submit an open ended registration with the new files, then link it via a DOI
  • Submit it to a repository that allows updated files (ex. Zenodo) and link via a DOI 

For more information on updating a registration please see: Https://Help.Osf.Io/Article/382-Updating-Registrations

Link Data, Code, and Materials to Your Registration

What are Resources?

Resources are any files, resources, or documents that are stored on an online repository where you can receive a DOI. A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a type of link to a digital object that will remain persistent over time ( Learn More). Any DOI can be linked to an OSF registration whether a resource is hosted on the OSF or not.  

Using DOI’s Repositories helps research teams archive and permanently store research materials (ie. Resources) based on funder requirements, discipline norms, or other research needs.

Why does my file need a DOI? 

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a type of link to a digital object that will remain persistent over time. Persistent links prevent broken links (link rot) preserving the longevity of data. Resources that are associated with a study post registration are intended to be permanent. 

How to Get a DOI

Most repositories offer a DOI when you archive content or files onto their platform, OSF included. If you have stored content off of OSF, consult that repository’s help guides or support team to learn how to create a DOI. If you’ve stored content on the OSF, check out these Help Guides to get a DOI.

Linking Data, Analytic Code, Materials, Papers, and Supplements to a Registration

Open the submitted registration that you want to link your resources (ie. data, code, or other materials)  to link resources. ( Learn More About Accessing Your Registrations)

Click “Resources” in the left-hand sidebar

Click the green plus button in the top right-hand corner. A modal will appear.

Enter the following information:

DOI: type in the DOI of the resource provided by the repository

Resource type: Select the type that best fits the resource

Description: Provide a high-level overview of the resource 

Click the Preview button. Check the DOI for accuracy

Click the “Add” button, and your resource will be linked to the registration. 

Editing resources

Click “Resources” in the left-hand sidebar

Click the edit button next to the resource you want to edit. A modal will appear.

Correct the necessary information

Click the Preview button. Check the DOI, and edited information for accuracy

Click the “Add” button

Deleting resources

Click “Resources” in the left-hand sidebar

Click the delete button next to the resource you want to delete. A modal will appear.

Confirm that you want to delete the resource

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