Search results for Components

101 articles found

  • Reorder Components (OSF Projects)

    You can reorder components within a project by dragging and dropping them into the correct order from the parent project's "Overview" page. First, open the project in which you want to reorder

  • Create Components (OSF Projects)

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. Components are sub-projects below the top-level project. Components help organize your research and create hierarchy within your parent project.

  • Project and Components FAQ’s

    This Article Is Licensed Under CCO For Maximum Reuse. What is the distinction between the different category options on projects? Categories on OSF projects are a way to organize projects and nested

  • Add Contributors to Projects and Components

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. In this article, you will learn how to add contributors to projects and components. Add contributors to a project Add an unregistered contributor

  • Utilize Components for Detailed Project Management

    OSF projects provide a flexible environment for researchers and their teams to dynamically collaborate on, organize, contextualize, integrate, store, and share research processes and outputs.

  • Delete a Project with Components (OSF Projects)

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. When you delete a project, all files and data will be deleted along with it. Please be aware that deleting a project is an irreversible action.

  • Agregar contribuidores y permisos en OSF (Add contributors and permissions to projects and components)

    This article is licensed under CC BY Una vez el proyecto ha sido creado, se procede a agregar los contribuidores al proyecto. Los contribuidores son aquellas personas que participan en el proyecto,

  • Creación de componentes en OSF (Create a component)

    This article is licensed under CC BY Una vez se ha generado la información básica del proyecto, se debe continuar con la configuración del espacio de trabajo estructurado para su proyecto de

  • Delete a Component (OSF Projects)

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. Deleting a component will remove the component and its content. This action is irreversible. You must have admin permissions on the parent

  • Check Your Project or Component's Storage Usage (OSF Projects)

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. Beginning November 3, 2020, OSF will limit the capacity of private projects and components utilizing OSF Storage to 5 GB and public projects and

  • Import Contributors from a Parent Project into a Component

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. You can use the import feature to quickly add contributors from a parent project to one of its child components. You must be an administrator on

  • Control Your Privacy (OSF Projects) Settings

    You must be an admin on a project or component in order to change the privacy settings. If you're an admin, you can make your project private or public and alternate between the two settings. You can

  • Add Admins from the Parent Project to a Component (OSF Projects)

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. Admins on the parent project have read-access to all child components, even if other contributors created them. This help guide will walk you

  • Project Storage (OSF Projects)

    OSF limits the capacity of private projects and components utilizing OSF Storage to 5 GB and public projects and components to 50 GB and advises users to integrate add-ons to their projects for

  • Remove Contributors from a Project

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. Only admins on a project can remove other contributors from the project and any components. Open your project and click the Contributors tab in

  • Creating a Project (OSF Projects)

    OSF projects are the most flexible workspaces that OSF supports. A project can be an experiment, a lab group, a paper—anything that has contributing members and files or explanatory texts/images.

  • Fork a Project (OSF Projects)

    Forking a project creates a copy of an existing project and its components. The fork always points back to the original project, forming a network of citations. You might a fork a project to expand

  • Link to a Project (OSF Projects)

    Linking to other projects creates a path for you and others viewing your project to find related work. View links Add a link to a project Remove a link View links Linked projects are found in the

  • Managing projects (OSF Projects)

    Now that you have created a project(s), you can start managing them. To give you a sneak peek inside each help guide article, look at the goals each help guide addresses! The following articles help

  • Collaborating on Projects (OSF Projects)

    Collaborators and contributors are the coauthors on a project, registration, or preprints. Each contributor has their own permission level (ie. Administrator, Read+Write, and Read), each with

  • OSF Storage Caps (OSF Projects)

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. On November 3, 2020, OSF began limiting the capacity of private projects and components utilizing OSF Storage to 5 GB and public projects and

  • Managing Bookmarks and Collections (OSF Projects)

    Bookmarks and Collections help you organize your own OSF projects or public projects you're interested in by making them easily accessible from the left side panel of the Project Organizer. View your

  • Affiliate an OSF Project with an Institution

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. This article will show you how to affiliate your research on the OSF with your institution. Affiliating your research enhances transparency,

  • Enable Wiki Contributions

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. Project wikis can be configured to allow public contributions from all OSF users or restricted to project contributors with write access (Admins

  • Sharing data

    The OSF is streamlined to facilitate data sharing. This guide explains the process from a new user perspective, assuming minimal experience with the OSF. If you already have a project with data you

  • Add-ons, Storage, & API Integration FAQ’s

    This Article Is Licensed Under CCO For Maximum Reuse. Storage Where does OSF store my data? The United States is the default storage location for OSF Storage. You can set a global storage location

  • Manage Your Projects (OSF Projects)

    You can quickly access your OSF projects and components, registration, and preprints on the "My Projects" page. You can organize projects into Collections for easier access to your projects or other

  • Delete a Project (OSF Projects)

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. When you delete a project, all files and data will be deleted along with it. Please be aware that deleting a project is an irreversible action.

  • Sharing, linking, and Forking Projects (OSF Projects)

    Sharing public projects: You can share public projects on social media to enhance discoverability. Sharing is not available for private content on the OSF, outside of view-only links. For sharing and

  • Organizing files (OSF Projects)

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. Organizing your files using names and locations that are informative help to document what your files are and how they relate to other files. The

  • License Your Project (OSF Projects)

    You can add a license to your project to allow others to copy, distribute, and make use of your data while allowing you to retain copyright. If you don't see the license you want to use, you can

  • Create a View-only Link for a Project (OSF Projects)

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. You can configure view-only links in either the "Contributors" or "Settings" tab of your OSF project. The workflow is the same for both tabs.

  • Project Files (OSF Projects)

    Files: The files section of your project is an excellent place to hold all of your data, analysis, notes and other research materials. Below are help guides pertaining to project files, along with a

  • Understand Contributor Permissions

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. Contributors are a group of collaborators within a project, component, registration, or preprint. There are three different levels of

  • Create a View-only Link for a Registration

    If your registration is embargoed, a view-only link offers a way for you to share the private contents with non-contributors. You can create an anonymized view-only link to hide your contributor

  • API Integrations

    The OSF hosts an Open Application Programming Interface (API). With this API you can access users, projects, components, logs, and files from the Open Science Framework (OSF), which is a free,

  • Start a Registration

    There are two ways to start a new registration using the OSF platform: Start from scratch: you will enter information and attach documents as you build out your research plan. Start from an existing

  • FAQ's Home Page

    Welcome to our frequently asked questions home page! Here you will find FAQ's on each section of the Open Science Framework and our support center. Please let our support team know if you have a

  • Move Files (OSF Projects)

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. In this article Move files from the files interface Moving to a different add-on storage Copying Files from the files interface Embed Files from

  • Tag Your Project

    Add tags to your projects and components to enhance the discoverability of your work! Add And Remove Tags On Your Project Search OSF For Related Work Add and remove tags on your project First, open

  • View Recent Activity

    Every action performed in a project is logged by the OSF in the "Recent Activity" section, so you will always know the changes that have been made on a project and who made them. Recent activity logs

  • Create and Manage Folders (OSF Projects)

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. Folders help organize files in your projects or components. Folders have the same privacy settings and contributor permissions as the project or

  • Open Practice Badges (Registrations)

    Open Practices Badges are given when a researcher links a resource to their registration. Researchers are responsible for adhering to the criteria for each badge (see details below). Open Practice

  • OSF Collections

    OSF Collections is a pay-for-service tool designed for funders, journals, societies, communities, organizations, and other groups in need of building and searching related OSF projects. Help Guide

  • Tips and Tricks

    Below are some helpful tips and tricks about Open Science and how to best use the OSF! Tip 1: Metadata for Improving Discoverability, Sharing, Collaboration, and Reuse of Your Work Tip 2: Connecting

  • Comment on a Project (OSF Projects)

    This article is licensed under CC0 for maximum reuse. Users can leave comments on OSF projects and files. Commenting can be configured to allow only project contributors to comment or to allow any

  • Submit Your Draft Registration

    This Article Is Licensed Under CCO For Maximum Reuse. You can submit your registration once the draft is completed. Registration includes two processes: submission and archiving. Submission includes

  • OSF Meetings, Institutions, and Collections FAQ’s

    This Article Is Licensed Under CCO For Maximum Reuse. OSF Collections FAQs What license will I need? Various Collections may have different licensing requirements, during the request to add you will

  • Data Management and Sharing Plans and OSF

    Government and private funders increasingly expect thorough data management and sharing plans (DMSP) for all proposed research projects. OSF is a strong candidate for complying with many of these

  • Account and Security FAQ’s

    Account Security Backup And Preservation Account My name is incorrect on my profile, preprint, registration or OSF project, How can I fix it? On preprints, registrations, or OSF projects your name on